Tuesday, October 15, 2024

BREAKING NEWS: Twitch Gives Eric Bischoff Control of DCW!! Twitch Fired!!!

Twitch defeated Commissioner Penska in their Hardcore Anything Goes Match, which took place at DCW: "Wrestlemania III." The stipulation was that the winner of the match would gain control of DCW. When Twitch won the match, he was appointed as the new DCW Commissioner.

The next night, Twitch began Monday Night RAW with a very important announcement. Twitch said, "DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa came to me and told me that he needs me to defeat Commissioner Penska at DCW: "Wrestlemania III" so he could gain full control over DCW again. This is why that stipulation was added to the match. Ryu and I have also been having discussions with a major name in the wrestling business for a while now. A wrestling name that has made headlines all over the world. A major name that is from one of the two biggest wrestling companies in the world. This major wrestling name has been giving both Ryu and myself a lot of important information regarding both business and other networking connections outside of the wrestling world. I'm personally very thankful to be the new commissioner of Deranged Championship Wrestling, but at the same time. My time as an active wrestler is far from over. I'm not looking to hang up my wrestling boots yet. Therefore, the DCW owner, Ryu Hayabusa, and myself have decided that this major wrestling name that I've been alluding to has been chosen to take over the role of the new DCW commissioner. This individual will now have the power to control DCW and its future. We have gained a great personal relationship with this man over the last year, and we've all developed a close trust for one another. We're very proud to be bringing him into the company. The contract has already been signed. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you the brand new DCW commissioner, Eric Bischoff!"

Eric Bischoff makes his way to the ring. Twitch gives him a hug, but he doesn't hug him back. Then, Twitch looks at him and says, "Is something wrong?" Bischoff then says, "Yeah, something is wrong! Something is very wrong!! Something that you and that idiot owner of this company aren't aware of. Let me ask you something: Who do you think really brought the nWo to DCW? You think it was Commissioner Penska? No, it was the money I paid to her that brought the nWo into DCW. Let me ask you this: Who do you think told Goldberg to approach DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa? Who do you think sent Goldberg out to the ring to make sure Hollywood Hogan retained his DCW World Championship at Wrestlemania III? Also, do you really think that Ryu and I just happened to meet in a restruant by chance? All of that was me! I've been playing you stupid hicks from day 1. Understand this: the wrestling business already has 2 major wrestling companies. We don't need a 3rd wrestling company. DCW SUCKS!!! So, let me say this: I'm going to fire all of you DCW idiots! Then, I'm going to shut this shitty company down. I have a few things left to say before I end this. What I want to say is fuck you, Ryu Hayabusa! Fuck DCW! And fuck you, Twitch! You're ass is fired! Security, get this piece of shit out of my ring! This is my company now and there's nothing no one can do about it because the contract is already signed! DCW your ass now belongs to me! Hit my music sweet tits!"


The Outsiders Win DCW World Tag Team Championships at DCW: "Wrestlemania III"; Halloween Jack Seriously Injured

Please check out our October 14th, 2024 post, "Richter Von Trash Attacked Backstage at DCW: "Wrestlemania III"; Found Unconscious By Dismembered," as it pertains specifically to today's post.

After Richter Von Trash was found unconscious in the parking lot, he was taken by ambulance to a medical facility. Therefore, Halloween Jack was forced to defend their DCW World Tag Team Championships in a handicapped match against nWo Members Scott Hall & Kevin Nash. Halloween Jack had a very rough night at DCW: "Wrestlemania III." First off, he loses his tag team partner due to him being attacked. Then, he is forced into defending the DCW World Tag Team Championships in a handicapped match against The Outsiders. The Outsiders grabbed many weapons to beat down Halloween Jack with during the match. Scott Hall beat Halloween Jack in the face with the steel steps, causing him to bleed profusely. Kevin Nash hit Halloween Jack with a huge powerbomb. Then, Scott Hall hit Halloween Jack with a Razor's Edge for the pinfall victory.

We have learned that Halloween Jack has torn his quad during this match, and he will be out of action for a very long duration of time.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Twitch Defeats Penska at DCW: "Wrestlemania III"; Twitch Will Make A MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT Tonight on RAW

Last night, at DCW: "Wrestlemania III," the long-standing feud between Twitch and Commissioner Penska finally came to its rightful conclusion. Commissioner Penska and Twitch have both remained silent concerning Penska's secret vendetta against Twitch. Something happened in the past which the public has not been made aware of. These 2 bitter enemies ended their feud last night in a Hardcore Anything Goes Match where the winner of the match would gain control of DCW.

During this match, there was a lot of back and forth action. The match began with Commissioner Penska talking trash close up in Twitch's face. Then she slapped him very hard in the face and busted his mouth open. Soon after, Twitch began a violent attack on her. Once she was laid out in the ring, Twitch went outside the ring and grabbed a ring bell and hit her in the face with it. When Penska made her way back to her feet, she kicked Twitch low. This helped her to gain some momentum by beating him with the steel ring steps. However, Twitch made a comeback after a few minutes. Twitch hit Penska with his spinning DDT two times. Then, he went up to the top rope and hit Commissioner Penska with his Frogsplash finishing maneuver for the victory at 7:36.


Twitch said that he is very thankful to have defeated Commissioner Penska last night at DCW: "Wrestlemania III,"  and he has a lot to get off his chest. He will be making some kind of major announcement tonight on RAW that will shake the entire foundation of DCW! Stay tuned for that!!!

Richter Von Trash Attacked Backstage at DCW: "Wrestlemania III"; Found Unconscious By Dismembered

Last night, at DCW: "Wrestlemania III," Richter Von Trash was violently attacked and found unconscious in the parking lot by one of his Dark Astray faction members Dismembered. Richter was found bloodied and battered.

"The security camera near the crime scene was mysteriously covered only moments before the attack. Also, the evidence points to there being one attacker and also one individual who covered the camera moments before the attack. This whole thing was definitely planned out in stages. At this time, we have no possible leads, but we will be looking for more evidence as the crime scene investigation unfolds." Police said.

Who could've done this to Richter Von Trash? Because of the attack on Richter Von Trash, he was unable to compete at DCW: "Wrestlemania III". Richter Von Trash and his tag team partner Halloween Jack were scheduled to defend their DCW World Tag Team Championships against nWo members Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. Since Richter was unable to compete, Halloween Jack was forced to defend their DCW World Tag Team Championships against The Outsiders all by himself. We will keep you up to date on this developing story.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

DCW: "Wrestlemania III" Results Now Online!

To see the DCW: "Wrestlemania III" Pay Per View Event Results.
Please, feel free to click on the image below.
Thank you!

DCW Owner,
Ryu Hayabusa

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Commissioner Penska & Twitch Injury Updates; Commissioner Penska vs. Twitch Match Coming at DCW: "Wrestlemania III"

Commissioner Penska was severely burned during her match at DCW: "Summerslam 3" when Dark Astray member Insanity blew 2 fireballs into her face. She also took a lot of punishment from Dismembered too, with these 2 men double teaming her constantly throughout the match. The match only lasted 5 minutes, but the damage has definitely taken its toll. Penska's doctors have stated that she has made a lot of progress in her recovery, and she will be ready to get in the ring with Twitch in a Hardcore Anything Goes Match where the winner gains control of DCW. Commissioner Penska vs. Twitch will be happening on Sunday, October 13th, 2024, at DCW: "Wrestlemania III."

Twitch faced off against nWo members Scott Hall & Kevin Nash at DCW: "Summerslam 3." Much like Comissioner Penska, Twitch also took a terrible beating during his handicapped match. The match finally ended after a halicious 6 minute beatdown. Kevin Nash pinned Twitch after a Jackknife Powerbomb. By the matches end, Twitch was bleeding quite profusely. He was rushed to a nearby medical facility for treatment for his wounds. Twitch hasn't been seen on DCW television ever since the injury on Sunday, August 25th, 2024. However, he will be returning on Sunday, October 13th, 2024 to face off against Commissioner Penska at DCW: "Wrestlemania III."

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Richter Von Trash & Halloween Jack Celebrating 2 Years of Holding The DCW World Tag Team Championships

Earlier this week, on September 18th, 2024 Dark Astray Members Richter Von Trash & Halloween Jack celebrated their 2-year anniversary of holding the DCW World Tag Team Championships. The DCW World Tag Team Championships were introduced at DCW: "Wrestlemania 1" on September 18th, 2022. That night, Richter Von Trash & Halloween Jack defeated Chris Benoit & Tazz in 12:17.

Over their 2 year run, Richter Von Trash & Halloween Jack have defeated amazing tag teams such as Crusher & Blaze, The Hardy Boys, Test & Albert, The Dudley Boys, Chris Benoit & Eddie Geurrero, as well as The Acoloytes. Many of these amazing tag teams have held World Tag Team Championships in various wrestling companies.

Soon, Richter Von Trash & Halloween Jack will face their next challengers. They will be facing off against nWo members Scott Hall & Kevin Nash for the DCW World Tag Team Championships at DCW: "Wrestlemania III" on Sunday, October 13th, 2024.

We would like to say congratulations to Richter Von Trash & Halloween Jack on holding the DCW World Tag Team Championships for 2 years! This is an incredible milestone for members of the Dark Astray faction!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

DCW: "Wrestlemania III" Event Announced for October 13th 2024

In case you missed it last week, a very interesting wrestler has joined DCW Wrestling. Check out the post here from Friday, September 13th, 2024. "BREAKING NEWS: Jason Voorhees Joins DCW Wrestling; Debut Coming at DCW: "Wrestlemania III".

Jason Voorhees will be making his in ring debut against Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle. The long reigning DCW World Tag Team Champions, Richter Von Trash & Halloween Jack, will defend their titles against nWo Members Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. Twitch will battle Commissioner Penska in a Hardcore Anything Goes Match with the winner gaining control over DCW. Also, DCW World Heavyweight Champion Hollywood Hogan will defend his championship against Dark Astray member Insanity. You certainly won't want to miss this history making event!

The full match card is below. Also, here is the link to our official DCW: "Wrestlemania III" page.

Friday, September 13, 2024

BREAKING NEWS: Jason Voorhees Joins DCW Wrestling; Debut Coming at DCW: "Wrestlemania III"

DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa made a statement back on September 1st in our post "New Wrestling Star Making DCW Debut Soon; Announcement Coming on Friday, September 13th, 2024" where he said that he has signed a new wrestling star who has been referenced on the DCW Fantasy League website even as far back as 2022. This wrestling stars name has been on the DCW website from the very beginning. Now today Ryu Hayabusa has made an official statement concerning this new wrestling star's identity! Here's what he had to say down below.

"This new wrestling star will be a huge edition to the DCW brand. This man is a giant, and I'm sure he's going to make a huge impact here in DCW. This man will be making his DCW in ring debut at our next pay per-view called DCW: "Wrestlemania III." This man has had many battles throughout his life in the ring and also in the wilderness. His name is Jason Voorhees, and he is coming soon to DCW. So, to the employees and wrestlers here at DCW, I will just say be very careful if this psycho crosses your path. He's quite dangerous and very unpredictable. Don't miss DCW: "Wrestlemania III," where Jason Voorhees steps out of Crystal Lake and into the ring of Deranged Championship Wrestling!"

The official DCW: "Wrestlemania III" time and match card will be announced in a few days
on Sunday, September 15th, 2024. Stay tuned for that!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

New Wrestling Star Making DCW Debut Soon; Announcement Coming on Friday, September 13th, 2024

DCW owner Ryu Hayabusa has said that he has signed a new wrestling star who is scheduled to make his DCW in ring debut at DCW: "Wrestlemania III". This is a wrestler who has been referenced on the DCW website from time to time since we started the DCW Fantasy League back in 2022. However, it was just never the right time to bring him into the company. Now its time, and we will be making a very important announcement soon revealing his identity. That announcement will be coming on Friday, September 13th, 2024. Stay tuned for this very exciting news!

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Hollywood Hogan Cheats Like Crazy To Retain DCW World Heavyweight Championship at DCW: "Summerslam 3"

Desecrator became the "King of the Ring 2" winner by defeating Dude Love in the King of the Ring 2 Tournament Finals at DCW: "Survivor Series 2," which entitled Desecrator to a DCW World Heavyweight Championship match in the future.

The Desecrator chose DCW: "Summerslam 3" as the "Event" where he would take his championship opportunity. The Desecrator also wanted the chance to face off against the new DCW World Heavyweight Champion Hollywood Hogan.

Desecrator came dangerously close to defeating Hollywood Hogan early in the first 10 minutes of the match. For the first 10 minutes of the match, it actually looked like Hollywood Hogan was going to play fair; however, that didn't last too long once Desecrator almost defeated Hogan for the championship. Once it looked like Desecrator was going to win, Hollywood Hogan resorted to grabbing a steel chair at the 10:30 mark and repeatedly striking Desecrator in the head and face with it. A few minutes later, while the Desecrator was still very much out of it, Hollywood Hogan hit Desecrator with a Front Russian Leg Sweep face first on a steel chair. Then, Hollywood Hogan hit Desecrator with his finishing maneuver, The Atomic Legdrop, and thats how Hollywood Hogan ended up defeating the Desecrator at DCW: "Summerslam 3."

Still Your DCW World Heavyweight Champion: Hollywood Hogan

Friday, August 30, 2024

Richter Von Trash & Halloween Jack Retain DCW World Tag Team Championships at DCW: "Summerslam 3"

Long time reigning DCW World Tag Team Champions Richter Von Trash and Halloween Jack faced off against former WWF World Tag Team Champions The Acoloytes this past Sunday, August 25th, 2024, at DCW: "Summerslam 3." This team has by far been the toughest challengers that Richter Von Trash and Halloween Jack have faced off against in the last year and 11 months as DCW World Tag Team Champions. There were several pinfalls during this match where it looked as if The Acoloytes were about to become the new DCW World Tag Team Champions. However, as this match drew to its final conclusion, Richter Von Trash and Halloween Jack were able to hit a double power bomb on Bradshaw while Faarooq was incapacitated outside of the ring. Once this double power bomb was delivered, Richter Von Trash quickly pinned Bradshaw for the pinfall victory.

Still your DCW World Tag Team Champions: Richter Von Trash & Halloween Jack

Thursday, August 29, 2024

The nWo Annihilates Twitch at DCW: "Summerslam 3"

There has been a long-standing feud going on for a very long time between Twitch, Commissioner Penska, and DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa. Penska has made that fued even more person when she hired the nWo behind the back of Ryu Hayabusa. Hayabusa forced Commissioner Penska into a handicapped match against Dark Astray Members Insanity & Dismembered at DCW: "Summerslam 3." However, Commissioner Penska also used her authority to book a match between nWo members Scott Hall and Kevin Nash facing off against Twitch in a handicapped match.

The nWo members Scott Hall & Kevin Nash known as The Outsiders brutally attacked Twitch throughout the match and left him a bloody mess by the end of the match. As you will see below in the pictures, Twitch was bleeding quite profusely. Both Twitch and Commissioner Penska have severe injuries after both of the handicapped matches that took place during DCW: "Summerslam 3." Both talents will be off of DCW television for an undetermined amount of time. We'll keep you up to date on how this story progresses.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

CM Punk Remains DCW Intercontinental Champion After Defeating Crusher Via Submission at DCW: "Summerslam 3"

The Crusher won a #1 Contendership Match for the DCW Intercontinental Championship at DCW: "Royal Rumble 3," which entitled him to face off against the reigning DCW Intercontinental Champion CM Punk at DCW: "Summerslam 3." The Crusher did come very close many times to defeating CM Punk during their match. Crusher even managed to get out of the way of CM Punk's patented top rope elbow drop a few times. However, the tides began to turn, and CM Punk finally hit Crusher with the top rope elbow drop the 3rd time, and then he placed Crusher into The Anaconda Vice Submission Hold, and Crusher was forced to submit. CM Punk has now held the DCW Intercontintenal Championship for 4 months currently.

Following DCW: "Summerslam 3" CM Punk said "I'm very excited at the possibility of defending this DCW Intercontinental Championship at DCW: "Wrestlemania 3" in the future. I plan on making that my reality!"

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Goldberg Makes Explosive Debut at DCW: "Summerslam 3"; Now 8 Months Undefeated!

Upon signing a long-term contract with DCW in July 2024, Goldberg had been undefeated for 7 months. Since that time, Goldberg has defended his undefeated streak against many opponents, and on Sunday, August 25th, 2024, Goldberg made his DCW in-ring debut against the Big Boss Man at DCW: "Summerslam 3".

These two colossal figures beat the hell out of each other during this match, and the Big Boss Man put up a huge fight, but then Goldberg nailed him with a huge spear. After that, Goldberg lifted up the Big Boss Man and nailed him with his finisher, The Jackhammer, for the victory.

DCW would like to congratulate Goldberg on his amazing debut match, and we look forward to seeing his other matches in the future!

Monday, August 26, 2024

BREAKING NEWS: Commissioner Penska Suffers Serious Facial Injuries In Match Against Insanity & Dismembered at DCW: "Summerslam 3"

Commissioner Penska has been severely injured by the hands of Insanity, who blew two fireballs in her face during the Commissioner Penska vs. Dismembered and Insanity Hardcore Falls Count Anywhere Anything Goes Match at DCW: "Summerslam 3."

Commissioner Penska was also double powerbombed by Dismembered and Insanity before the match concluded once Insanity choked her unconscious for the victory. Commissioner Penska will be off of DCW television for an undetermined amount of time. DCW would like to wish her the best in her recovery.

DCW owner Ryu Hayabusa also commented, saying that he never expected Dismembered and Insanity to take things to this extreme.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

DCW: "Summerslam 3" Results Now Online!

To see the DCW: "Summerslam 3" Pay Per View Event Results.
Please, feel free to click on the image below.
Thank you!

DCW Owner,
Ryu Hayabusa

Saturday, August 24, 2024

DCW: "Royal Rumble" Winners

September 8th, 2022 - Richter Von Trash Wins 28 Man Elimination
Royal Rumble Match at DCW: "Royal Rumble 1"

Just incase you missed it, "Richter Von Trash" won the 28 man elimination Royal Rumble 1 Match. Richter survived until it was just him and "Andre The Giant" left in the ring. Richter defeated Andre The Giant by pinfall when he him his signature move the Hangman's DDT.

Read the results of our DCW: "Royal Rumble 1" Pay Per View Event.

May 16th, 2023 - Vengeance Wins Royal Rumble Match at DCW: "Royal Rumble 2"
+ DCW World Title Match Granted

Just in case you missed it, a few nights ago Vengeance won the 28-Man Elimination Royal Rumble 2 Match. Vengeance survived until it was just him and CM Punk left in the ring. This was also the night that CM Punk made his DCW in-ring debut. Vengeance hit CM Punk with a huge clothesline. Then, Vengeance gave CM Punk a karate kick, knocking him to the floor. Thereby making Vengeance the winner of the Royal Rumble 2 match.

Vengeance is now eligible for a DCW World Heavyweight Championship Match at any time of his choosing in the future. DCW Owner, Ryu Hayabusa, has granted this stipulation for this years winner of the Royal Rumble Match.

Read the full results of DCW: "Royal Rumble 2".

Thursday, August 22, 2024

DCW: "King of The Ring" Winners

October 24th, 2022 - Twitch Becomes The First Ever King of The Ring Winner
at DCW: "King of The Ring 1"

Twitch had an amazing night winning 3 matches in the King of The Ring tournament going on to become the first ever DCW King of The Ring winner. In Round 1, Twitch defeated Tazz with his finishing manuever the Frogsplash. Twitch defeated Cactus Jack in Round 2 while hitting him in the head with a steel chair. Then, in Round 3 Twitch went on to defeat Chris Benoit in 5 minutes 7 seconds with the Frogsplash to make himself the first ever DCW King of The Ring winner.  Also, make sure to check out our awesome "DCW: King of The Ring 1" (2022) Event Page. Congratulations to Twitch on becoming the King of The Ring winner.

April 9th, 2024 - Desecrator Becomes The King of The Ring 2 Winner
at DCW: "Survivor Series 2"

In the "King of The Ring" 2 Tournament Finals which took place at DCW: "Survivor Series 2", Desecrator faced off against Dude Love in a brutal and bloody match. There was blood and barbed wire 2x4's in this match. Dude Love ended up a bloody mess by the end of the match at DCW: "Survivor Series 2". The desecrator busted open Dude Love with the barbed wire 2x4 and then hit him with his double-armed DDT finishing maneuver to secure the pinfall. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE DESECRATOR ON BECOMING THE KING OF THE RING 2 WINNER!!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Happy 2 Year Anniversary To The DCW Fantasy League

Back on June 10th, 2022, it was announced that the DCW Fantasy League would be coming soon. A few months later, DCW ran its first pay-per-view "Event" called DCW: "Summerslam 1," which took place on August 7th, 2022. The pay per view was a massive success. The event was around 2 hours in duration. The event took place from the Creekside Country Coliseum in West Newton, Pennsylvania.

Many great matches took place at DCW: "Summerslam 1," including: Insanity & Dismembered vs. Chris Benoit & Tazz; The Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle vs. Richter Von Trash vs. The Juggalo in a Triple Threat Match; Custodian vs. The Violator; Blaze & Crusher vs. Timmy 2-Tone & Don Cortino; Chris Jericho vs. Twitch in a Ladder Match; and headlining the event was Cactus Jack vs. Desecrator vs. Vengeance in a Triple Threat Hardcore Match.

DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa would like to say thank you to all of the fans who made the DCW Fantasy League a huge success over the last 2 years, and he would like to say that we're only getting started. Happy 2nd Year Anniversary To The DCW Fantasy League, and thank you to all of the wrestlers, talents, employees, and backstage crew members who have made DCW a huge success over the last 2 years!

DCW: "Summerslam 3"
will be taking place from Yukon, Pennsylvania in the Black Sands Arena on August 25th, 2024. This will be a night of wrestling that no one is going to want to miss! Witness history as Goldberg makes his DCW in-ring debut. Also, see the first pay-per-view title defense from the new DCW World Heavyweight Champion, Hollywood Hogan as he battles former DCW World Heavyweight Champion, Desecrator!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

The American Dream, "Dusty Rhodes," Joins The DCW Commentary Team

The American Dream Dusty Rhodes made his DCW in-ring debut at DCW: "Royal Rumble 3" as a surprise entrant, coming out at #6. Dusty Rhodes was able to eliminate nWo member Scott Hall at 11:52. However, five minutes later Dusty Rhodes was eliminated with a superkick by Twitch at 16:53.

After the Royal Rumble 3 "Event" was over, DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa asked Dusty Rhodes if he would ever like to join him as part of the DCW Commentary Team, and Dusty Rhodes accepted the new job position. Dusty Rhodes will be making his DCW commentary debut at DCW: "Summerslam 3." We are very excited to be welcoming The American Dream Dusty Rhodes to the DCW Commentary Team.

Make sure to check out DCW: "Summerslam 3" on August 25th, 2024, where we will see many great storylines continue to unfold and develop!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

DCW: "Summerslam 3" Event Announced for August 25th 2024

In case you missed it last week, check out our MAJOR blockbuster announcement, "Breaking News: Goldberg Signs Multi-Year Deal with DCW" where it was announced that Goldberg will be making his DCW in-ring debut at DCW: "Summerslam 3," where he will face off against the Big Boss Man. In that article, we also went on to announce that today we will be revealing the date and match card for DCW: "Summerslam 3."

DCW: "Summerslam 3" will be taking place from Yukon, Pennsylvania in the Black Sands Arena on August 25th, 2024. This will be a night of wrestling that no one is going to want to miss! Witness history as Goldberg makes his DCW in-ring debut. Also, see the first pay-per-view title defense from the new DCW World Heavyweight Champion, Hollywood Hogan as he battles former DCW World Heavyweight Champion, Desecrator!

Sunday, July 28, 2024

BREAKING NEWS: Goldberg Signs Multi-Year Deal with DCW

It was teased in our last post from June 30th, 2024, "DCW Owner To Make Huge Announcement on July 28th, 2024 Concerning HUGE TALENT ACQUISTION." Well, that huge talent acquisition has finally been revealed as WCW wrestler "Goldberg."

DCW owner Ryu Hayabusa has been working on a contract deal with Goldberg for many months now. Goldberg has signed a multi-year wrestling contract with Deranged Championship Wrestling. Goldberg will be making his DCW in-ring debut at DCW: "Summerslam 3," where he will be facing off against the Big Boss Man.

Goldberg has been on a long, undefeated streak in WCW for the last 7 months. He hasn't won any championships in WCW as of yet, since he hasn't been given any opportunity to do so. Now he will come to DCW to defend his undefeated streak. Another announcement will be made on August 4th, 2024, to announce the date, and match card for DCW: "Summerslam 3." This is a pay-per-view "Event" that no one is going to want to miss. Witness history as Goldberg makes his DCW in-ring debut!

Check back here in one week on Sunday, August 4th, 2024 for another "Summerslam 3" Update!

Sunday, June 30, 2024


On July 28th, 2024, DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa will be making a MAJOR ANNOUNCMENT concerning a HUGE TALENT ACQUISITION that has just signed a long-term contract with DCW Wrestling. This happened over the last week. Ryu Hayabusa has been working very hard for many months to get this deal completed.

This individual is a MAJOR NAME in the wrestling industry, and we're very excited to be making the big announcement next month on July 28th, 2024. Make sure to watch for that. Thank you, folks, and we'll see you again next month.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Commissioner Penska Books Twitch vs. Scott Hall & Kevin Nash at DCW: "Summerslam 3"

Commissioner Penska's and DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa's animosity towards each other seems to be reaching a boiling point. These two have been at each other's throats for over a year now. However, tensions have been boiling over since Commissioner Penska hired the nWo and since she's been screwing wrestlers over on the talent roster.

Most recently, Commissioner Penska brought in the nWo faction and screwed Twitch out of the DCW World Heavyweight Championship by booking him in a 12 Man Elimation Royal Rumble 3 match where nWo member Hollywood Hogan ended up winning and becoming the new DCW World Heavyweight Champion.

Two days later, Ryu Hayabusa finally commented on the matter, in which he stated that "Commissioner Penska has crossed the line far too many times now. Very soon she's going to have to deal with the consequences of her actions."

In retaliation for his comments, Commissioner Penska fired six DCW wrestlers from the company behind Ryu Hayabusa's back. As a result, Hayabusa booked Commissioner Penska in a handicapped match facing off against Insanity and Dismembered in a Hardcore Falls Count Anywhere Anything Goes Match at DCW: "Summerslam 3".

This morning, Commissioner Penska has decided to book Twitch in a handicapped match, where he will face off against nWo members Kevin Nash and Scott Hall in a Hardcore Falls Count Anywhere Anything Goes Match at DCW: "Summerslam 3."

It looks like things are growing very out of control with this feud between Commissioner Penska and DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa. It's certainly going to be a very bumpy ride on the road to DCW: "Summerslam 3."

Friday, June 28, 2024

Crusher Will Face CM Punk for The DCW Intercontinental Championship at DCW: "Summerslam 3"

At our last pay-per-view "Event,"  Crusher faced off against Jeff Hardy and Violator in a Triple Threat Match at DCW: "Royal Rumble 3" in a number-one contenders match for the DCW Intercontinental Championship. The Crusher ended up defeating the Violator with a Perfect Plex Suplex at 11:02. This means that Crusher is now the #1 contender for CM Punk's DCW Intercontinental Championship. These 2 men will face off against each other at our next pay per view called DCW: "Summerslam 3."

This is the first time that the Crusher will be challenging for a DCW Championship. Will he walk out with the gold or will he fail to gain the strap? Will CM Punk continue his impressive Intercontinental Championship run or will a new Champion emerge? Find out by checking out our next pay per view DCW: "Summerslam 3".

Just in case you missed it, Violator was fired a few days ago by Commissioner Penska along with five other wrestlers. Read the article here! The rumor is that the Violator will be returning to Battle Front Wrestling soon where he began his wrestling career.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

DCW Owner Reacts - Commissioner Penska vs. Insanity & Dismembered Taking Place at DCW: "Summerslam 3"

As a result of Commissioner Penska firing six DCW wrestlers from their contracts yesterday, DCW owner Ryu Hayabusa has decided that she will have to pay for the consequences of her actions.

Ryu Hayabusa has stated that "Our next pay-per-view event is going to be called DCW: "Summerslam 3" and on that event. All of you great fans are going to see Commissioner Penska face off against Dark Astray Members Insanity and Dismembered in a Hardcore Falls Count Anywhere Anything Goes Match. She has no idea what these wrestlers have in store for her at DCW: "Summerslam 3." She wanted to know what I'm going to do about her firing 6 wrestlers. Now she has her answer. I'm going to make her pay every day of her life as long as she remains in the role of DCW Commissioner. Enough is enough."

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Commissioner Penska Fires Several DCW Wrestlers

Commissioner Penska released a statement earlier this morning, and here's what she had to say. "I would like to take this opportunity to let DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa know that I have just fired six wrestlers from your talent roster. So, what are you going to do about it, asshole?"

Tazz, Syxx, Custodian, Overtaker, Snap, and Violator have all been released from their DCW wrestling contracts. We would like to wish these talents the best of luck in their future endeavors.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Commissioner Penska Screws Twitch Out of The DCW World Heavyweight Championship at "Royal Rumble 3" + DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa Comments

Something happened behind the scenes between Commissioner Penska and Twitch soon after he won the DCW World Heavyweight Championship back at DCW: "Royal Rumble 2," which took place on May 14th, 2023.

Whatever happened, Twitch has kept quiet about it, and Penska hasn't spoken out publicly about it. On a few different pay-per-view "Events,"  DCW owner Ryu Hayabusa has said he knows what Commissioner Penska's secret is and he's going to reveal it in time.

For one year now Commissioner Penska has had a secret vendetta against Twitch. She has put him into many difficult matches. She booked Twitch vs. Desecrator in a Ladder Match at DCW: "Summerslam 2" but Twitch was able to gain the victory.

When that didn't work, she decided to put him into a 30-minute Iron Man Triple Threat Match for the DCW World Heavyweight Championship at DCW: "Wrestlemania 2." Again, Twitch was able to walk out victorious.

Next, at DCW: "Survivor Series 2,"  Commissioner Penska made Twitch defend his DCW World Heavyweight Championship again in a Triple Threat Hardcore Match with a Special Stipulation that she will pay $100,000 to anyone who defeats Twitch. However, once again, Twitch was the winner.

So, after numerous failed attempts and her long-standing resentments towards DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa, Penska decided to hire the nWo behind Hayabusa's back. She was just bringing in the nWo to cause trouble. Then, she books Twitch in a 12 Man Elimination "Royal Rumble 3" Match for the DCW World Heavyweight Championship. The odds were greatly stacked against Twitch, and unfortunately, he lost his championship.

Commissioner Penska, has succeeded in her plan in taking the DCW World Heavyweight Championship from Twitch & getting the belt on to the waist of one of the nWo members. Twitch has been 100% screwed out of the DCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Here is a direct quote from DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa. "Commissioner Penska has crossed the line far too many times now. Very soon she's going to have to deal with the consequences of her actions."

Monday, June 24, 2024

BREAKING NEWS: Hollywood Hogan Becomes New DCW World Heavyweight Champion at DCW: "Royal Rumble 3"

Folks, our DCW: "Royal Rumble 3" pay-per-view "Event" took place yesterday, and there were a lot of shocking moments that happened during the event.

Commissioner Penska has been at odds with DCW owner Ryu Hayabusa since he purchased the company on April 22nd, 2023. Tensions have been ongoing since that time. Meanwhile, Commissioner Penska has also developed a deep hatred and animosity for Twitch. This led to Commissioner Penska booking Twitch to defend his DCW World Heavyweight Championship in a 12-man elimination royal rumble match at DCW: "Royal Rumble 3."

Unfortunately, Twitch lost his DCW World Heavyweight Championship during the bout. Twitch was defeated in the match by Insanity at 24:12, following a halicious powerbomb. Just minutes later, Insanity was defeated by Hollywood Hogan. Commissioner Penska, was quickly eliminated in the match by Timmy 2-Tone at 4:46. Anyways, the nWo made their debut, and Hollywood Hogan has captured the DCW World Heavyweight Championship on his first night in the company. This is shocking news!

What does this mean for the future of DCW? How will DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa respond? There will be a lot of news coming soon concerning the ramifications of this wrestling war that's currently going on. Stay Tuned!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

DCW: "Royal Rumble 3" Results Now Online!

To see the DCW: "Royal Rumble 3" Pay Per View Event Results.
Please, feel free to click on the image below.
Thank you!

DCW Owner,
Ryu Hayabusa

Sunday, June 16, 2024

nWo Ready For DCW Debut + DCW Owner Forcing Commissioner Penska Into 12 Man Elimination "Royal Rumble 3" Match

The feud between Commissioner Penska and Twitch has truly been intensifying for months now. Commissioner Penska will be forcing Twitch to defend his DCW World Heavyweight Championship in the 12 Man Elimination Royal Rumble Match. This has been a very abysmal act against the DCW World Heavyweight Champion by Commissioner Penska. However, DCW owner Ryu Hayabusa has just announced that Commissioner Penska will now be the #2 entrant in the 12 Man Elimination Royal Rumble Match. If she won't compete in the match, then she will be automatically fired from her position in DCW. Ryu Hayabusa and Commissioner Penska have been having backstage issues since Hayabusa took ownership of DCW back on April 22nd, 2023. For whatever reason, she felt entitled to take over the company when the former owner put it up for sale and she became bitter when Hayabusa ultimately gained ownership of DCW.

Out of Commissioner Penska's bitterness, she then decided to hire the nWo (New World Order), consisting of wrestlers Hollywood Hogan, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash, behind the back of DCW owner Ryu Hayabusa, once again defying his authority. Penska has been heard saying backstage "I want to inject the DCW with a lethal dose of poison, and my poison of choice is the nWo."

Folks, we can't imagine what we're going to witness next week on Sunday, June 23rd, 2024,
when DCW: "Royal Rumble 3" takes place. Check back here then to see the results!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

DCW Video Library Discontinued INDEFINITELY

As a result of our DCW Fantasy League Youtube account being deleted recently for whatever reason, this has caused all of our DCW Pay Per View "Events" to be deleted. DCW was a fantasy league online that started in August 2022, with our first pay-per-view being DCW: "Summerslam 1," which took place on August 7th, 2022.

With the deletion of our Youtube account, I've decided that we will not be doing all of the work to repost all of these Pay Per View events. It would be extremely time-consuming; therefore, the DCW Fantasy League website will be experiencing huge changes soon. We will no longer feature any DCW Pay Per View event videos on the website going forward. We will still hold events, but they won't be posted online. From now on, we will post event dates, and then after the event is over, we will post the results of the matches. Soon you will see many changes coming to the website. Thank you, and take care.

DCW Owner,
Ryu Hayabusa

BREAKING NEWS: Twitch Gives Eric Bischoff Control of DCW!! Twitch Fired!!!

Twitch defeated Commissioner Penska in their Hardcore Anything Goes Match, which took place at DCW: "Wrestlemania III. " The st...