DCW: "Royal Rumble 3" (6.23.2024) - Full Pay Per View Event
DCW: "Royal Rumble 3" took place on June 23rd, 2024 from The Creekside Country Coliseum in West Newton, Pennsylvania. The event was 1 hour in duration. Text results are down below if you want to see the results of the matches.
DCW: "Royal Rumble 3" (6.23.2024) - Full Pay Per View Event Results:
Match #1:
DCW Intercontinental Championship
Champion - CM Punk vs. Dude Love
CM Punk Defeats Dude Love via Submission with The Anaconda Vice at 10:40
Match #2:
#1 Contender Match for DCW Intercontinental Championship
Crusher vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Violator
Crusher Defeats Violator with A Perfect Plex at 11:02
Match #3:
DCW World Tag Team Championship
Champions - Richter & Halloween Jack vs. Chris Benoit & Eddie Guerrero
Richter Von Trash Defeats Eddie Geurrero with Doomsday Reverse DDT at 10:03
Match #4:
12 Man Elimination Royal Rumble Match
For The DCW World Heavyweight Championship
DCW World Heavyweight Champion Twitch Defends His Championship
Against 11 Other Competitors Via Orders of Commissioner Penska
1. Twitch 2. Commissioner Penska 3. Timmy 2-Tone 4. nWo - Scott Hall
5. Dismembered 6. Dusty Rhodes 7. nWo - Kevin Nash 8. Mark Henry
9. Kurt Angle 10. Raven 11. Insanity 12. nWo - Hollywood Hogan
Timmy 2-Tone Eliminates Commissioner Penska with Clothesline Over Ropes at 4:46
Timmy 2-Tone Eliminates Dismembered with Dropkick Over Ropes at 11:24
Dusty Rhodes Eliminates Scott Hall with Clothesline Over Ropes at 11:52
Twitch Eliminates Timmy 2-Tone with Powerbomb at 12:14
Twitch Eliminates Kevin Nash with Dropkick Over The Ropes at 14:16
Twitch Eliminates Dusty Rhodes with Karate Kick Over The Ropes at 16:53
Mark Henry Eliminates Kurt Angle with Three Point Stance Clothesline at 20:14
Insanity Eliminates Mark Henry with Boot To Face Over The Ropes at 21:03
Insanity Eliminates Twitch with A Powerbomb at 24:12
Hollywood Hogan Eliminates Raven with A Powerbomb at 24:26
Hollywood Hogan Eliminates Insanity with A Legdrop at 27:41
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