Insanity faced off against the DCW World Heavyweight Champion Hollywood Hogan at DCW: "Wrestlemania III," and they had an excellent match. Hogan has been the DCW World Heavyweight Champion for 4 months now, and he has said that he will do anything to keep the title around his waist.
During the match, Insanity was getting the upper hand, nearly defeating Hollywood Hogan a few times during the first 8 minutes and 45 seconds of the match. At that time, Hogan was down for the count after Insanity hit Hogan with a massive powerbomb, followed up by his finishing maneuver, the chokeslam. Just as the referee was about to hit the 3 count, Goldberg broke up the pinfall on a count of 2. Goldberg's interference gave Hollywood Hogan time to recover while Goldberg gave Insanity his finishing maneuver, the Jackhammer, two different times. We now know that it was Eric Bischoff who sent Goldberg to the ring to make sure Insanity wouldn't win the match.
As Hogan made his way back to his feet, he and Goldberg double teamed Insanity for several minutes. The interesting thing is that none of Insanity's partners in his Dark Astray faction came out to help him. Richter Von Trash was taken to the hospital after being attacked backstage at DCW: "Wrestlemania III." Then, Halloween Jack tore his quad during his match, and he was also taken to a medical facility. Dismembered was nowhere to be found. At the 14 minute mark, Hollywood Hogan, hit Insanity with a few weapons multiple times. Then, Hogan hit Insanity with the atomic legdrop. He then covered Insanity for the win.
Friday, October 18, 2024
Goldberg Helps Hollywood Hogan Retain DCW World Heavyweight Championship In Match Against Insanity at "Wrestlemania III"
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