DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa has made a very special announcement saying that DCW Will Return To Friday Nights Beginning with our next pay per view event, DCW: "Survivor Series 3," which will be coming on Friday, December 13th, 2024. Some of you may be asking, when were DCW events ever held on Friday Nights? Well, the original DCW Backyard Wrestling Company, which can be found at DCWWrestling.com, were the "Events" that were once held on Friday Nights. So, we will be going back to the original format beginning in 7 weeks on Friday, December 13th, 2024 at DCW: "Survivor Series 3".
We will be making an important announcement on Friday, November 1st, 2024 concerning
DCW: "Survivor Series 3". Stay tuned for that!
Sunday, October 20, 2024
DCW Events Will Return To Friday Nights Beginning at DCW: "Survivor Series 3" on Friday, December 13th, 2024
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