There was an 8 Man Elimination #1 Contendership Match for The DCW World Heavyweight Championship at DCW: "Wrestlemania III," featuring Dismembered, Crusher, Dude Love, Desecrator, Black Bull, Timmy 2-Tone, Big Boss Man, and Raven. This was a very good match, for sure. Below is the order of eliminations.
Big Boss Man Eliminated The Black Bull with The Bossman Slam at 3:05
Dude Love Eliminated Desecrator By Top Rope Elimination at 7:28
Timmy 2-Tone Eliminated The Crusher with The 2-Tone Dream at 14:34
Dismembered Eliminated Timmy 2-Tone with The Last Ride at 14:52
Dismembered Eliminated Raven with A Chokeslam at 17:25
Dismembered Eliminated Big Boss Man with A Chokeslam at 17:48
Dismembered Eliminated Dude Love with The Last Ride at 20:07
Now Dismembered is the #1 Contender for The DCW World Heavyweight Championship. Dismembered will go on to face Hollywood Hogan for the DCW World Heavyweight Championship at DCW: "Survivor Series 3"
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Dismembered Wins #1 Contendership Match at "Wrestlemania III"; Dismembered vs. Hollywood Hogan Has Been Announced for DCW: "Survivor Series 3"
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