Two months ago, Hollywood Hogan defended his DCW World Heavyweight Championship against Insanity at DCW: "Wrestlemania III." During that match Goldberg was ordered by General Manager Eric Bischoff to go to the ring to make sure that Hogan retains his championship. Goldberg helped Hogan to retain his championship. Dismembered told Insanity that he went with Richter Von Trash in the ambulance earlier that night, and that's why he wasn't there to help Insanity when Goldberg interfered. At "Wrestlemania III", Dismembered won a #1 contendership match to be able to challenge Hollywood Hogan at DCW: "Survivor Series 3".
Both Dismembered and Hollywood Hogan made their entrances at DCW: "Survivor Series 3." The match started off with Hollywood Hogan and Dismembered locking up. As they did this, Dismembered overpowered Hogan and threw him across the ring. The crowd cheered loudly! This happened 3 different times until Hogan was getting irate. Hogan ran at Dismembered and got met with a huge chokeslam. Dismembered went for the pinfall, but Hogan got his foot on the bottom rope. Then, he rolled out of the ring.
Soon after that, Hogan ran at Dismembered with a steel chair but tripped and dropped the chair. As Hulk was reaching down for the chair, Dismembered was running towards him and tried to give him a clothesline, but Hogan moved out of the way, and Dismembered gave the referee the clothesline from hell by mistake. As Dismembered is checking on the referee, Hogan starts beating Dismembered down with a steel chair. After some time, Dismembered gives Hogan a spinebuster. Dismembered grabs the steel chair and nails Hogan with it. Hogan is bleeding profusely at 6:59. Around 8:45, Hogan hits Dismembered with the steel chair, and now he is also bleeding profusely. This match has turned into a bloodbath! Now Insanity runs down to the ring, and Hogan blasts him in the head with a steel chair shot. Insanity is laid out on the ground. As things intensified, Eric Bischoff is shown backstage screaming at someone off camera to get out to the ring and help Hogan win. Goldberg makes his way to the ring moments later. By 10:39, Hogan and Goldberg are beating the hell out of Dismembered. Insanity gets back into the ring, and he is double teamed by Hogan and Goldberg.
Finally, the referee was able to get Goldberg and Insanity out of the ring. As he did, Hollywood Hogan hit Dismembered with a Front Russian Legsweep face first on to a steel chair. Then, Hollywood Hogan hit Dismembered with his Atomic Leg Drop finishing manuever at 12:02 for the pinfall victory.
After the match, a new theme song played throughout the arena. On the titantron, the words "THIS IS THE END" appeared. A few moments tater, the name VENGEANCE appeared on the titantron, and the crowd cheered LOUDLY! VENGEANCE came out dressed all in black and his hair was dyed all black too. VENGEANCE stood on the entrance ramp pointing at Goldberg and Hollywood Hogan to end the show. They both looked very confused at each other.
After nearly 2 years, VENGEANCE HAS RETURNED TO DCW!
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Hollywood Hogan Retains DCW World Heavyweight Championship at DCW: "Survivor Series 3"; VENGEANCE RETURNS!
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