DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa was contacted a few months ago by WWF Owner Vince McMahon. They have had several face to face discussions, which will lead to DCW and WWF doing a talent exchange in the future. We don't have the full details as of yet, but here's what we've learned so far. Both company owners have an extreme level of animosity towards the executive producer of WCW and current DCW general manager, Eric Bischoff. This is actually what got these talks going in the first place. The plan is for DCW and the WWF to do a talent exchange beginning now at the end of 2024. We've also learned that Ryu Hayabusa is releasing several wrestlers to Vince McMahon as part of this talent exchange. The 6 wrestlers below will be going to wrestle for the World Wrestling Federation in the near future. What does DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa get out of this deal besides wrestling talent? The full details of this deal are being kept very secretive. All will be revealed in time. WWF owner Vince McMahon spoke about the new deal saying, "I owe a lot to Ryu Hayabusa, and in the end I'm going to make him a very happy man. He's blessed me, so I'll bless him back. I owe him, and he will collect whenever he's ready to do so. Anytime that guy needs a favor, all he has to do is call me, and I'll take care of it."
Released DCW Wrestlers:
Chris Benoit, CM Punk, Eddie Geurrero, The Hardy Boys, & Mankind
Now DCW will be moving into its offseason and we won't be doing anymore pay per view "Events" for a very long duration of time. I don't know when DCW will return, but rest assured that DCW is alive and well. We'll see you again in 2025!
Friday, December 20, 2024
BREAKING NEWS: DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa Enters Into Partnership with WWF Owner Vince McMahon / DCW Offseason Begins...
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Richter Von Trash "Wrestlemania 3" Backstage Attacker Investigation Continues
Nearly 2 months ago at DCW: "Wrestlemania 3," Richter Von Trash was found bloody and unconscious backstage by Dismembered. Moments before the attack, the security camera at the crime scene was covered up by perpetrator #1, and moments later, perpetrator #2 attacked Richter Von Trash. Soon after the attack, Dismembered was the first person to see Richter Von Trash lying unconscious in the parking lot. Dismember has been cleared as a suspect. nWo members Kevin Nash & Scott Hall have also been cleared as suspects. At this point, no one knows for sure who the 2 attackers were.
Richter Von Trash just made his return to the ring on December 13th, 2024, at DCW: "Survivor Series 3," where he teamed up with Blaze to face off against the current DCW World Tag Team Champions, The Outsiders. Richter Von Trash is doing much better these days, but he is definitely seeking revenge against the 2 men who attacked him at DCW: "Wrestlemania 3."
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Hollywood Hogan Retains DCW World Heavyweight Championship at DCW: "Survivor Series 3"; VENGEANCE RETURNS!
Two months ago, Hollywood Hogan defended his DCW World Heavyweight Championship against Insanity at DCW: "Wrestlemania III." During that match Goldberg was ordered by General Manager Eric Bischoff to go to the ring to make sure that Hogan retains his championship. Goldberg helped Hogan to retain his championship. Dismembered told Insanity that he went with Richter Von Trash in the ambulance earlier that night, and that's why he wasn't there to help Insanity when Goldberg interfered. At "Wrestlemania III", Dismembered won a #1 contendership match to be able to challenge Hollywood Hogan at DCW: "Survivor Series 3".
Both Dismembered and Hollywood Hogan made their entrances at DCW: "Survivor Series 3." The match started off with Hollywood Hogan and Dismembered locking up. As they did this, Dismembered overpowered Hogan and threw him across the ring. The crowd cheered loudly! This happened 3 different times until Hogan was getting irate. Hogan ran at Dismembered and got met with a huge chokeslam. Dismembered went for the pinfall, but Hogan got his foot on the bottom rope. Then, he rolled out of the ring.
Soon after that, Hogan ran at Dismembered with a steel chair but tripped and dropped the chair. As Hulk was reaching down for the chair, Dismembered was running towards him and tried to give him a clothesline, but Hogan moved out of the way, and Dismembered gave the referee the clothesline from hell by mistake. As Dismembered is checking on the referee, Hogan starts beating Dismembered down with a steel chair. After some time, Dismembered gives Hogan a spinebuster. Dismembered grabs the steel chair and nails Hogan with it. Hogan is bleeding profusely at 6:59. Around 8:45, Hogan hits Dismembered with the steel chair, and now he is also bleeding profusely. This match has turned into a bloodbath! Now Insanity runs down to the ring, and Hogan blasts him in the head with a steel chair shot. Insanity is laid out on the ground. As things intensified, Eric Bischoff is shown backstage screaming at someone off camera to get out to the ring and help Hogan win. Goldberg makes his way to the ring moments later. By 10:39, Hogan and Goldberg are beating the hell out of Dismembered. Insanity gets back into the ring, and he is double teamed by Hogan and Goldberg.
Finally, the referee was able to get Goldberg and Insanity out of the ring. As he did, Hollywood Hogan hit Dismembered with a Front Russian Legsweep face first on to a steel chair. Then, Hollywood Hogan hit Dismembered with his Atomic Leg Drop finishing manuever at 12:02 for the pinfall victory.
After the match, a new theme song played throughout the arena. On the titantron, the words "THIS IS THE END" appeared. A few moments tater, the name VENGEANCE appeared on the titantron, and the crowd cheered LOUDLY! VENGEANCE came out dressed all in black and his hair was dyed all black too. VENGEANCE stood on the entrance ramp pointing at Goldberg and Hollywood Hogan to end the show. They both looked very confused at each other.
After nearly 2 years, VENGEANCE HAS RETURNED TO DCW!
Monday, December 16, 2024
Sting Debuts! Sting vs. Raven Steals The Show at DCW: "Survivor Series 3"!!!
When Raven heard the announcement that Sting was coming to DCW and making his DCW in ring debut at DCW: "Survivor Series 3". Raven became very irritated and began to call out Sting during the November 15th, 2024, episode of Monday Night Raw. As Raven kept on taunting Sting, many ominous signs began happening. While Raven was standing in the ring insulting Sting and calling him out. All of the lights in the arena went out, and we could hear the sounds of crows throughout the arena. The crowd cheered VERY LOUDLY! Next, the lights came back on, and behind Raven in the ring was a crow. As Raven looked angry and walked towards the crow, the crow flew up into the rafters right into the hands of Sting, who was looking down watching Raven. Many eerie signs and sounds have been happening during Raven's matches for weeks leading up to DCW: "Survivor Series 3".
Now that the weeks of anticipation have ended. It's now time for Sting to make his debut. Raven made his entrance at DCW: "Survivor Series 3," looking very angry. As he walked down the rampway, a fan had made a sign with Sting's picture on it that said, "It's Showtime!" and Raven ripped it up. Threw it on the ground and spit on it. Next, the lights go out, and Sting's Theme Song, "The Enigma", began to play, and the crowd cheered VERY LOUDLY with excitement!
The match started off with Raven spitting in the face of Sting, which makes Sting enraged. Sting becomes extremely aggressive, slapping Raven in the face multiple times. Sting throws Raven into the turnbuckle. Sting runs to the other turnbuckle and screams, WOOO! Next, Sting hits Raven with the Stinger Splash. Sting gets on the top rope and hits Raven in the stomach with a top rope knee drop.
After a little time, Raven started making a comeback. Raven nailed Sting with a Tombstone Piledriver, but Sting kicked out at 2. Raven picked Sting up and hit him with his finishing maneuver, The Evenflow DDT. Again Sting kicks out at 2. Sting gets back up and hits Raven with a samoan drop. Then Sting nails Raven with a huge leg drop. After that, Sting picks Raven up and hits him with his signature move, The Scorpion Death Drop, at 7:22. Raven kicked out at 2, and everyone in the crowd is shocked. Raven barely kicked out! Raven then hits Sting with a Throat Thrust, which makes Sting start choking. Raven hits Sting again with a 2nd Evenflow DDT, but again Sting kicks out. Raven looks very upset, so he puts Sting into a figure 4 leg lock, but Sting reverses it into his finishing maneuver, The Scorpion Deathlock, and Raven taps out at 9:36.
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Timmy 2-Tone Captures DCW Intercontinental Championship at DCW: "Survivor Series 3"
Chris Benoit became the DCW Intercontinental Champion two months ago at DCW: "Wrestlemania III," where he defeated CM Punk for the championship. So, CM Punk was granted a rematch against Chris Benoit. However, Timmy 2-Tone was added to the match by DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa as a thank you for him eliminating Commissioner Penska from the Royal Rumble match back at DCW: "Royal Rumble 3," which took place on Sunday, June 23rd, 2024.
The match at DCW: "Survivor Series 3" began with CM Punk getting Chris Benoit in a headlock. Benoit reversed it and nailed CM Punk with a German suplex. Next, Timmy 2-Tone just about kicked Chris Benoit's head off with a dropkick. Then, CM Punk ran outside the ring and grabbed a kendo stick. Punk hit Benoit in the back of the head with it very hard. As he did this, Timmy 2-Tone hit CM Punk with a dropkick from the top rope. Several near falls occurred at this time in quick succession.
Timmy 2-Tone hit CM Punk with a DDT while Benoit was laid out. Timmy 2-Tone threw CM Punk out of the ring to the floor. Then Timmy 2-Tone locked in The 2-Tone Dream on Chris Benoit. Benoit kept trying to break out of it, but he was forced to tap out at 11:53 right as CM Punk was coming back into the ring to try and break it up.
The Outsiders Retain DCW World Tag Team Championships at DCW: "Survivor Series 3"
Richter Von Trash was attacked backstage at DCW: "Wrestlemania III" and was taken by ambulance to a local medical facility. Unfortunately, Richter Von Trash was unable to compete at "Wrestlemania III," thereby forcing Halloween Jack to defend their DCW World Tag Team Championships against The Outsiders. The whole match became a nightmare for Halloween Jack as he was outnumbered. The Outsiders beat him down a lot with the steel ring steps throughout the match. Scott Hall ended up hitting Halloween Jack with the Razor's Edge and gained the pinfall victory at 3:43. Halloween Jack was seriously injured during the match with a torn quad. He will be out of action for a very long duration of time. Sadly Eric Bischoff has recently fired Halloween Jack.
Richter Von Trash asked Blaze to be his new tag team partner in order to battle The Outsiders at DCW: "Survivor Series 3" for the DCW World Tag Team Championships, which didn't sit well with Insanity. Seeing as Insanity and Blaze are bitter enemies. Richter had 2 months to recover from his injuries at DCW: "Wrestlemania III." This tag team match at DCW: "Survivor Series 3" is his first match in the last 2 months.
The match started off with Scott Hall and Richter Von Trash. Richter slapped Scott Hall in the face, and immediately Scott Hall hit a low blow on Richter. Hall threw Richter to the floor, and Hall hit Richter in the head with a barbed wire 2 x 4. Next, Hall hit Richter with the steel ring steps multiple times. Eventually, Richter made his way back in the ring to tag in his new tag team partner, Blaze. Blaze started to battle Kevin Nash, and Blaze got the upper hand for a bit. Soon, after Nash hit Blaze with a devastating clothesline. Nash then started beating Blaze with the steel ring steps. Blaze was then busted wide open and bleeding profusely. Richter Von Trash was then tagged in, and by the 13:09 mark, Scott Hall hit Richter with his finishing maneuver, The Razor's Edge, at 13:16. Scott Hall then covered Richter Von Trash for the pinfall victory.
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Jason Voorhees & Mrs. Voorhees Brutally Attack Mankind at DCW: "Survivor Series 3"
It was announced back on November 1st, 2024 that Jason Voorhees new manager Mrs. Voorhees would be making her debut at DCW: "Survivor Series 3" taking place on Friday, December 13th, 2024.
Originally everyone was under the impression that Mrs. Voorhees was appearing at DCW: "Survivor Series 3" just in a managerial role, but things played out differently once the match started. This match had a stipulation of being a hardcore street fight, which means anything goes, but we had no idea that Mrs. Voorhees would actually get physical in this match and her level of brutality was off the charts.
The match started off crazy, as you would expect considering the 2 wrestlers in this match. By the 47 second mark, Mankind was beating Jason Voorhees over the head with a stop sign outside of the ring. However, Jason's mother, Mrs. Voorhees, didn't take kindly to Mankind beating her only son in the head with a road sign. So, she kicked Mankind in the nuts, and he fell to the ground. By the 2:54 mark, Mankind was in trouble near the entrance ramp. Mrs. Voorhees kept brutally kicking Mankind in the nuts as Jason Voorhees kept pulling Mankind towards the backstage area. They brawled all over the arena. During the backstage attacks, Jason Voorhees hit Mankind with his finishing maneuver, the Burning Hammer, on the pavement, but Jason didn't go for the victory. Jason and his mother, Mrs. Voorhees, wanted to inflict as much pain as possible. Next, they took Mankind into the bar area and began beating him up with pool sticks. Eventually Jason Voorhees put Mankind on top of a pool table. Then, Jason hit Mankind with another Burning Hammer down through the pool table for the pinfall victory at 6:46.
Who is going to be able to stop this monster Jason Voorhees? Who is going to stop this new alliance between Jason Voorhees and Mrs Voorhees?
Goldberg Defeats Insanity at DCW: "Survivor Series 3"
Goldberg has now defeated The Big Boss Man, Blaze, and Insanity since making his DCW in ring debut back at DCW: "Summerslam 3" which took place on Sunday, August 25th, 2024. Goldberg currently has a 1 year and 1 month undefeated streak!
Insanity requested a match against Goldberg after Goldberg helped Hollywood Hogan to defeat Insanity in a World Heavyweight Championship Match at DCW: "Wrestlemania 3" back on Sunday, October 13th, 2024. Insanity has been in a rage ever since that happened.
At DCW: Survivor Series 3", Goldberg and Insanity started their match with furious punches and body shots. This match got chaotic right from the beginning. Goldberg quickly got out of the ring and grabbed a steel chair and began beating Insanity in the head with it. Some of these chair shots to the head were absolutely brutal. Goldberg absolutely DESTROYED Insanity with a spear at 5:22. Then, Goldberg nailed Insanity with a Jackhammer for the pinfall victory at 5:44.
Friday, December 13, 2024
DCW: "Survivor Series 3" Results Now Online!
To see the DCW: "Survivor Series 3" Pay Per View Event Results.
Please, feel free to click on the image below.
Thank you!
DCW Owner,
Ryu Hayabusa
Friday, December 6, 2024
DCW: "Sting" Theme Song - The Enigma
Check Out The DCW In Ring Debut of Sting on
Friday, December 13th, 2024 at DCW: "Survivor Series 3"
BREAKING NEWS: DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa Enters Into Partnership with WWF Owner Vince McMahon / DCW Offseason Begins...
DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa was contacted a few months ago by WWF Owner Vince McMahon . They have had several face to face discussions, which wi...

Andre The Giant made his DCW in ring debut at DCW: "Royal Rumble 1" which took place on September 4th, 2022 where he wrestled in...
Commissioner Penska released a statement earlier this morning, and here's what she had to say. "I would like to take this opportuni...
Twitch had an amazing 2022, where he became the first ever DCW "King of The Ring 1" Winner . By the end of 2022, Twitch had a 7-m...