DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa has made a very special announcement saying that DCW Will Return To Friday Nights Beginning with our next pay per view event, DCW: "Survivor Series 3," which will be coming on Friday, December 13th, 2024. Some of you may be asking, when were DCW events ever held on Friday Nights? Well, the original DCW Backyard Wrestling Company, which can be found at DCWWrestling.com, were the "Events" that were once held on Friday Nights. So, we will be going back to the original format beginning in 7 weeks on Friday, December 13th, 2024 at DCW: "Survivor Series 3".
We will be making an important announcement on Friday, November 1st, 2024 concerning
DCW: "Survivor Series 3". Stay tuned for that!
Sunday, October 20, 2024
DCW Events Will Return To Friday Nights Beginning at DCW: "Survivor Series 3" on Friday, December 13th, 2024
Saturday, October 19, 2024
DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa Reveals Commissioner Penska's Secret Vendetta Against Twitch Earlier Tonight on SMACKDOWN; PENSKA FIRED!
Smackdown opened last night, with DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa making his way down to the ring. He began saying, "It's such a shame that the FORMER Commissioner Penska and I have had such a tumultuous relationship since I bought DCW back in April 2023. I do understand that she wanted to buy this company, but she didn't bid high enough. So, I was able to purchase DCW. Anyways, she has given me a lot of stress and tension since that time. I'm not a hard man to get along with, and I'm a more patient man than most. Penska has broken every rule during her time as Commissioner, and well, her time is over now or is it? She does have talents that could still be used here in DCW. Seeing as Eric Bischoff is now the new Commissioner of DCW. Some people have said that there really isn't a spot for Penska now. Personally, I do have a new position for her if she really wants it. I'd like to take this opportunity to invite the former Commissioner out here right now, and I would really like to bury the hatchet with her."
Next, Commissioner Penska made her way to the ring, laughing and waving at Ryu Hayabusa. Commissioner Penska grabbed a microphone, but Hayabusa took it out of her hand. The crowd cheers loudly. Ryu Hayabusa said, "Please, just listen to me. There are some things I want to say to you here and now. I really hope that you and I can bury the hatchet here tonight, and maybe we can even continue doing business together. I'm not a bad guy, am I? Remember that secret about you and Twitch that you didn't want anyone to know about? Did I tell anyone? No, I didn't. Even after everything you've done to me, I still didn't reveal it, and I won't. You have my word on that. I ask you, would you be willing to shake my hand here tonight and bury the hatchet so we can move forward?" The crowd starts booing loudly! NO NO NO!!! Chants fill the arena...
Commissioner Penska said, "Oh yes! Absolutely, Mr. Ryu Hayabusa, sir. I would love to bury the hatchet and move forward."
So, then the 2 of them shook hands. Then, Ryu Hayabusa says, "You know what? I think I changed my mind. Ladies and gentlemen, do you want to know the real reason Commissioner Penska had a secret vendetta against Twitch? Let me tell you why. One night, the other wrestlers challenged Twitch to call Commissioner Penska and have phone sex with her. Little did she know that there were many wrestlers listening to this phone call, and it was also recorded. Penska really believed that Twitch wanted a relationship with her, but it was all a game. So, ever since that time, Penska has been full of hatred towards Twitch. Also, Miss Penska, I've been keeping a secret from you as well. I LIED AND YOU ARE TERMINATED!"
Then Ryu Hayabusa leaves the ring and Penska is left crying in the middle of the ring. What a crazy turn of events! Both Twitch and Commissioner Penska have both been fired this week!!!!!!
Friday, October 18, 2024
Goldberg Helps Hollywood Hogan Retain DCW World Heavyweight Championship In Match Against Insanity at "Wrestlemania III"
Insanity faced off against the DCW World Heavyweight Champion Hollywood Hogan at DCW: "Wrestlemania III," and they had an excellent match. Hogan has been the DCW World Heavyweight Champion for 4 months now, and he has said that he will do anything to keep the title around his waist.
During the match, Insanity was getting the upper hand, nearly defeating Hollywood Hogan a few times during the first 8 minutes and 45 seconds of the match. At that time, Hogan was down for the count after Insanity hit Hogan with a massive powerbomb, followed up by his finishing maneuver, the chokeslam. Just as the referee was about to hit the 3 count, Goldberg broke up the pinfall on a count of 2. Goldberg's interference gave Hollywood Hogan time to recover while Goldberg gave Insanity his finishing maneuver, the Jackhammer, two different times. We now know that it was Eric Bischoff who sent Goldberg to the ring to make sure Insanity wouldn't win the match.
As Hogan made his way back to his feet, he and Goldberg double teamed Insanity for several minutes. The interesting thing is that none of Insanity's partners in his Dark Astray faction came out to help him. Richter Von Trash was taken to the hospital after being attacked backstage at DCW: "Wrestlemania III." Then, Halloween Jack tore his quad during his match, and he was also taken to a medical facility. Dismembered was nowhere to be found. At the 14 minute mark, Hollywood Hogan, hit Insanity with a few weapons multiple times. Then, Hogan hit Insanity with the atomic legdrop. He then covered Insanity for the win.
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Dismembered Wins #1 Contendership Match at "Wrestlemania III"; Dismembered vs. Hollywood Hogan Has Been Announced for DCW: "Survivor Series 3"
There was an 8 Man Elimination #1 Contendership Match for The DCW World Heavyweight Championship at DCW: "Wrestlemania III," featuring Dismembered, Crusher, Dude Love, Desecrator, Black Bull, Timmy 2-Tone, Big Boss Man, and Raven. This was a very good match, for sure. Below is the order of eliminations.
Big Boss Man Eliminated The Black Bull with The Bossman Slam at 3:05
Dude Love Eliminated Desecrator By Top Rope Elimination at 7:28
Timmy 2-Tone Eliminated The Crusher with The 2-Tone Dream at 14:34
Dismembered Eliminated Timmy 2-Tone with The Last Ride at 14:52
Dismembered Eliminated Raven with A Chokeslam at 17:25
Dismembered Eliminated Big Boss Man with A Chokeslam at 17:48
Dismembered Eliminated Dude Love with The Last Ride at 20:07
Now Dismembered is the #1 Contender for The DCW World Heavyweight Championship. Dismembered will go on to face Hollywood Hogan for the DCW World Heavyweight Championship at DCW: "Survivor Series 3"
Jason Voorhees Makes EXPLOSIVE Debut at DCW: "Wrestlemania III"
It was announced on Friday, September 13th, 2024, that "Jason Voorhees Joins DCW Wrestling; Debut Coming at DCW: "Wrestlemania III." A few days later, it was announced that Jason Voorhees would be facing off against Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle at DCW: "Wrestlemania III."
Kurt Angle got his ass kicked for the first 5 minutes of this match until he started making a comeback. However, the power of Jason Voorhees was just too much for him. Jason Voorhees put Kurt Angle into his devastating Burning Hammer finishing maneuver and that was the end of the match. Jason Voorhees defeated Kurt Angle in 7:20.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Chris Benoit Defeats CM Punk To Become New Intercontinental Champion at DCW: "Wrestlemania III"
CM Punk won the DCW Intercontinental Championship back at DCW: "Survivor Series 2," where he defeated The Violator. CM Punk had a 6 month title run until he faced off against Chris Benoit at DCW: "Wrestlemania III." CM Punk and Chris Benoit were having a very competitive match, but after 7 minutes, Benoit became very frustrated and started cheating. He started beating CM Punk with the steel steps. After beating CM Punk up with weapons for a few more minutes, Chris Benoit put CM Punk into the Crippler Crossface submission hold. CM Punk was forced to submit, and Chris Benoit won the match.
Goldberg Defeats Blaze at DCW: "Wrestlemania III"
Goldberg made his DCW in ring debut at DCW: "Summerslam 3," where he faced off against the Big Boss Man. Goldberg was victorious in that match, which took him to a 9 month undefeated streak. The first 8 months of Goldberg's undefeated streak took place in WCW. Then Goldberg continued gaining victories at DCW house shows and, of course, his victory at DCW: "Summerslam 3."
Goldberg was challenged to a match at DCW: "Wrestlemania III" by former DCW World Heavyweight Champion, Blaze. Blaze and Goldberg really beat the hell out of each other for the first 5 minutes of this match. At one point, the momentum changed once Goldberg hit Blaze with a Military Press Front Slam. After that, Goldberg hit Blaze with the Spear at the 5:55 mark. Once that happened, Goldberg set Blaze up for his finishing maneuver The Jackhammer at 6:11. Goldberg then covered Blaze for the victory.
Goldberg is now at an 11 month undefeated streak!
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
BREAKING NEWS: Twitch Gives Eric Bischoff Control of DCW!! Twitch Fired!!!
Twitch defeated Commissioner Penska in their Hardcore Anything Goes Match, which took place at DCW: "Wrestlemania III." The stipulation was that the winner of the match would gain control of DCW. When Twitch won the match, he was appointed as the new DCW Commissioner.
The next night, Twitch began Monday Night RAW with a very important announcement. Twitch said, "DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa came to me and told me that he needs me to defeat Commissioner Penska at DCW: "Wrestlemania III" so he could gain full control over DCW again. This is why that stipulation was added to the match. Ryu and I have also been having discussions with a major name in the wrestling business for a while now. A wrestling name that has made headlines all over the world. A major name that is from one of the two biggest wrestling companies in the world. This major wrestling name has been giving both Ryu and myself a lot of important information regarding both business and other networking connections outside of the wrestling world. I'm personally very thankful to be the new commissioner of Deranged Championship Wrestling, but at the same time. My time as an active wrestler is far from over. I'm not looking to hang up my wrestling boots yet. Therefore, the DCW owner, Ryu Hayabusa, and myself have decided that this major wrestling name that I've been alluding to has been chosen to take over the role of the new DCW commissioner. This individual will now have the power to control DCW and its future. We have gained a great personal relationship with this man over the last year, and we've all developed a close trust for one another. We're very proud to be bringing him into the company. The contract has already been signed. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you the brand new DCW commissioner, Eric Bischoff!"
Eric Bischoff makes his way to the ring. Twitch gives him a hug, but he doesn't hug him back. Then, Twitch looks at him and says, "Is something wrong?" Bischoff then says, "Yeah, something is wrong! Something is very wrong!! Something that you and that idiot owner of this company aren't aware of. Let me ask you something: Who do you think really brought the nWo to DCW? You think it was Commissioner Penska? No, it was the money I paid to her that brought the nWo into DCW. Let me ask you this: Who do you think told Goldberg to approach DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa? Who do you think sent Goldberg out to the ring to make sure Hollywood Hogan retained his DCW World Championship at Wrestlemania III? Also, do you really think that Ryu and I just happened to meet in a restruant by chance? All of that was me! I've been playing you stupid hicks from day 1. Understand this: the wrestling business already has 2 major wrestling companies. We don't need a 3rd wrestling company. DCW SUCKS!!! So, let me say this: I'm going to fire all of you DCW idiots! Then, I'm going to shut this shitty company down. I have a few things left to say before I end this. What I want to say is fuck you, Ryu Hayabusa! Fuck DCW! And fuck you, Twitch! You're ass is fired! Security, get this piece of shit out of my ring! This is my company now and there's nothing no one can do about it because the contract is already signed! DCW your ass now belongs to me! Hit my music sweet tits!"
The Outsiders Win DCW World Tag Team Championships at DCW: "Wrestlemania III"; Halloween Jack Seriously Injured
Please check out our October 14th, 2024 post, "Richter Von Trash Attacked Backstage at DCW: "Wrestlemania III"; Found Unconscious By Dismembered," as it pertains specifically to today's post.
After Richter Von Trash was found unconscious in the parking lot, he was taken by ambulance to a medical facility. Therefore, Halloween Jack was forced to defend their DCW World Tag Team Championships in a handicapped match against nWo Members Scott Hall & Kevin Nash. Halloween Jack had a very rough night at DCW: "Wrestlemania III." First off, he loses his tag team partner due to him being attacked. Then, he is forced into defending the DCW World Tag Team Championships in a handicapped match against The Outsiders. The Outsiders grabbed many weapons to beat down Halloween Jack with during the match. Scott Hall beat Halloween Jack in the face with the steel steps, causing him to bleed profusely. Kevin Nash hit Halloween Jack with a huge powerbomb. Then, Scott Hall hit Halloween Jack with a Razor's Edge for the pinfall victory.
We have learned that Halloween Jack has torn his quad during this match, and he will be out of action for a very long duration of time.
Monday, October 14, 2024
Twitch Defeats Penska at DCW: "Wrestlemania III"; Twitch Will Make A MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT Tonight on RAW
Last night, at DCW: "Wrestlemania III," the long-standing feud between Twitch and Commissioner Penska finally came to its rightful conclusion. Commissioner Penska and Twitch have both remained silent concerning Penska's secret vendetta against Twitch. Something happened in the past which the public has not been made aware of. These 2 bitter enemies ended their feud last night in a Hardcore Anything Goes Match where the winner of the match would gain control of DCW.
During this match, there was a lot of back and forth action. The match began with Commissioner Penska talking trash close up in Twitch's face. Then she slapped him very hard in the face and busted his mouth open. Soon after, Twitch began a violent attack on her. Once she was laid out in the ring, Twitch went outside the ring and grabbed a ring bell and hit her in the face with it. When Penska made her way back to her feet, she kicked Twitch low. This helped her to gain some momentum by beating him with the steel ring steps. However, Twitch made a comeback after a few minutes. Twitch hit Penska with his spinning DDT two times. Then, he went up to the top rope and hit Commissioner Penska with his Frogsplash finishing maneuver for the victory at 7:36.
Twitch said that he is very thankful to have defeated Commissioner Penska last night at DCW: "Wrestlemania III," and he has a lot to get off his chest. He will be making some kind of major announcement tonight on RAW that will shake the entire foundation of DCW! Stay tuned for that!!!
Richter Von Trash Attacked Backstage at DCW: "Wrestlemania III"; Found Unconscious By Dismembered
Last night, at DCW: "Wrestlemania III," Richter Von Trash was violently attacked and found unconscious in the parking lot by one of his Dark Astray faction members Dismembered. Richter was found bloodied and battered.
"The security camera near the crime scene was mysteriously covered only moments before the attack. Also, the evidence points to there being one attacker and also one individual who covered the camera moments before the attack. This whole thing was definitely planned out in stages. At this time, we have no possible leads, but we will be looking for more evidence as the crime scene investigation unfolds." Police said.
Who could've done this to Richter Von Trash? Because of the attack on Richter Von Trash, he was unable to compete at DCW: "Wrestlemania III". Richter Von Trash and his tag team partner Halloween Jack were scheduled to defend their DCW World Tag Team Championships against nWo members Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. Since Richter was unable to compete, Halloween Jack was forced to defend their DCW World Tag Team Championships against The Outsiders all by himself. We will keep you up to date on this developing story.
Sunday, October 13, 2024
DCW: "Wrestlemania III" Results Now Online!
To see the DCW: "Wrestlemania III" Pay Per View Event Results.
Please, feel free to click on the image below.
Thank you!
DCW Owner,
Ryu Hayabusa
Sunday, October 6, 2024
DCW: "Jason Voorhees" Theme Song - T2
Sunday, October 13th, 2024 at DCW: "Wrestlemania III"
BREAKING NEWS: DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa Enters Into Partnership with WWF Owner Vince McMahon / DCW Offseason Begins...
DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa was contacted a few months ago by WWF Owner Vince McMahon . They have had several face to face discussions, which wi...

Andre The Giant made his DCW in ring debut at DCW: "Royal Rumble 1" which took place on September 4th, 2022 where he wrestled in...
Commissioner Penska released a statement earlier this morning, and here's what she had to say. "I would like to take this opportuni...
Twitch had an amazing 2022, where he became the first ever DCW "King of The Ring 1" Winner . By the end of 2022, Twitch had a 7-m...