Saturday, May 20, 2023

DCW Intercontinental Championship Tournament Begins at DCW: "Summerslam 2"

We have finally decided that its time to introduce our secondary singles championship
which will be named the DCW Intercontinental Championship. A tournament will begin
on our next pay per view event DCW: "Summerslam 2" which will be announced in the near future.

8 men have been chosen to take part in the DCW Intercontinental Championship Tournament.
The wrestlers that have been chosen include: Chris Jericho, Snap, Overtaker, Chris Benoit,
Black Bull, Violator, Custodian, & CM Punk.

These 8 men will begin the DCW Intercontinental Championship Tournament at
DCW: "Summerslam 2" with the finals taking place in the future at our biggest
event of the year DCW: "Wrestlemania 2".

BREAKING NEWS: DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa Enters Into Partnership with WWF Owner Vince McMahon / DCW Offseason Begins...

DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa was contacted a few months ago by WWF Owner Vince McMahon . They have had several face to face discussions, which wi...