Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Major Wrestling Stars Debut at DCW: "Royal Rumble 2" + Contract Status

Many famous wrestling stars made their DCW in ring debuts at DCW: "Royal Rumble 2" which took place on Sunday, May 14th, 2023. Major names such as Dude Love, Earthquake, Mark Henry, Raven, & CM Punk were all participants in the 28 Man Elimination Royal Rumble Match. 4 of those wrestlers have signed contracts with our wrestling organization.

The names who have signed full contracts are Dude Love, Raven, & CM Punk. These wrestling talents will be appearing on a full time basis for the most part. Mark Henry has also signed a part time contract. So, look forward to seeing more of these amazing wrestling stars during DCW: Season 2 (2023).

BREAKING NEWS: DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa Enters Into Partnership with WWF Owner Vince McMahon / DCW Offseason Begins...

DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa was contacted a few months ago by WWF Owner Vince McMahon . They have had several face to face discussions, which wi...