Twitch had an amazing 2022, where he became the first ever DCW "King of The Ring 1" Winner. By the end of 2022, Twitch had a 7-match winning streak by the end of our DCW: "Armageddon 1" pay-per-view Event. That then qualified Twitch for a DCW World Heavyweight Championship Match against then-World Champion Desecrator at the following pay per view, which was called DCW: "Royal Rumble 2".
Twitch defeated The Desecrator for the DCW World Heavyweight Championship at DCW: "Royal Rumble 2" on May 14th, 2023.
Desecrator then invoked his rematch clause, with him facing off against Twitch in a Ladder Match at DCW: "Summerslam 2". Twitch was able to capture the World Heavyweight Championship from the ladder at 23:06. Desecrator had lost his rematch and was no longer entitled to any more World Title matches.
However, DCW Owner Ryu Hayabusa decided that Desecrator would get another chance as he would face off against Dude Love and Twitch in a Triple Threat 30-Minute Iron Man Match at DCW: "Wrestlemania 2".
During this epic match, Twitch defeated The Desecrator three times throughout the match. Twitch defeated Desecrator twice with a Frogsplash and then again with a Swinging DDT. Twitch also defeated Dude Love with a Swinging DDT for the pinfall victory. So, the end score of the match was Twitch with 4 pinfalls. Dude Love and Desecrator weren't able to gain any pinfalls, thereby making Twitch the winner of the match. Twitch retains his DCW World Heavyweight Championship, and he now has a 9 match winning streak.
Congratulations to Twitch on retaining his DCW World Heavyweight Championship and also on his impressive winning streak.
Friday, July 14, 2023
Twitch Remains World Heavyweight Champion By Defeating Dude Love and Desecrator at DCW: "Wrestlemania 2"
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